Friday, April 29, 2011

Can I Put Hot Liquids In Rubbermaid Cooler


In principle, on Friday was expected to finalize the practical classes of the school Christ of Mercy, but the Meteorological bad, I mean time, have prevented this from happening, so The courses of 6 º A and 6 B, have not enjoyed in all its glory of a morning bike driver practices in the Children's Traffic Park in Chipiona.

6 pupils. Recording in the rain.

As the storm caught us in the PIT, and could no longer continue with the classes, or return to school, Opata the best choice: Spend the rest of the Driver Education class at indoor games, sing songs, tell jokes, and "regional dances, anything to distract the students and that the time duration of the storm would not get bored ...

The if their classes have been able to develop completely normally, all week, were the courses of 2 and 4 º A and 4 º B grade, which could make learning as pedestrians and as drivers.
Attached some photos of the week, and called on courses of 6 º A and 6 B for next Friday, which certainly will make better time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Waxing Men Philadelphia


All proceeds as planned and as it could be orta way, last week it was the turn of the college's practices Alpachar.
Being the nearest school to the Children's Traffic Park, students have practiced less as a pedestrian, but have enjoyed more time PIT.
The students of 2 º, 4 º b 6 th in their lines every year, have shown a fairly high knowledge of knowledge of the vertical signals, and signaling with his arm in turns and stops.
Attached are some photos of these practices and as always, thank you from these lines the behavior of students dedication and attention shown during all classes, and also thank the teachers at the school and its management team collaboration taken one more year with the Office of Road Safety Education.